Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Wedding Frenzy

Wedding Season is coming to an end...
(can I get an amen?!)

Granted, there have definitely been past summers that were far busier than 2012, but each time I willingly sign myself up to create a one of a kind, unique art piece for the newlyweds. 

Not to mention, I always shoot myself in the foot because I decide to go above and beyond and paint these masterpieces (full of myself? probably.)

Ultimately, it comes down to this, what would they cherish more? A spoon from Bed Bath & Beyond or an art piece that sparks a special memory they had together.

I go with the latter...but thats just me.

Now you can scroll through some of my favorites and the stories behind them.

This was the beginning of a long journey. 3 foot x 3 foot canvas...huge. I decided to add a close up of the petals because each one took me approximately 2+ hours to get to JUST the right shade.
So...the picture deserves to be shared.

Hands down, favorite piece. Have I told you I love painting flowers? This would be categorized as flowers on steroids. 

This is the actual photograph of her wedding bouquet with their Wedding Rings.
Photo Credit to Rockstarr & Co Photography.

What a work of art! ha. 
One of my best friends, Rachel, got married last summer and I told her to send me 3 photos of which I would choose one and paint it for her. 

(shooting myself in the foot)

I choose the dock in Copenhagen, Denmark. 

This is the actual photograph. I'm literally in shock at how well it turned out.

New found hobby...watercolors. Another new found hobby...typography.
Combine them and you have a great, meaningful & SIMPLE Wedding gift.
I'll gladly create these for your engaged friends!

But lets not leave out the pieces still left on my "to do" list...

The Walton's got married (over) a year ago.
I really need to get started. 
The colors are breathtaking and I'm always up for a challenge. So, my next challenge... Cathedral of St Paul in St Paul, Minnesota. Stay tuned.

Photo Credit to Matt Ferrara Photography.
Luckily, (for me) the Sweeney's got married only a month ago...time is on my side.
Lets zoom in a little closer because Lord knows I cannot draw/paint/sketch people for the life of me.

...another wedding bouquet!!
Honestly, can't wait.

So...have you changed your minds on what to give your engaged friends for their wedding?

Monday, August 20, 2012

Hunger Games Collage

I admit, I'm a Hunger Games fan. I'm not ashamed.
But my 13 year old cousin, well, she's a SUPER fan.

I had just finished all 3 books (which, if you know me, is a rarity to even read an article), seen the movie and (lucky for her) her birthday was coming up.
Needless to say, I think I got the best cousin least for the day.

I got out my sketchbook.

Within a matter of minutes, and spending about a half hour stalking her Pinterest page, I came up with an idea.

After doing so many commissioned pieces, I was actually looking forward to getting my creative juices flowing.

Keep in mind, I started on Friday night by sketching out the Mockingjay pin and covering the background in black.
By noon the next day, the Mockingjay was finished.
(with an extra pop of gold glitter around the circle)

It quickly progressed and by that evening, all the phrases were sketched out.

By Sunday afternoon, it was finished.

The collage includes an assortment of famous phrases (i.e, may the odds be ever in your favor), key scenes, and then of course, what team you root for.
(team peeta all the way)

I even went as far as to copy Josh Hutcherson's signature.
(another gem found on her Pinterest will find anything)

Now if only her reaction to seeing it was more enthusiastic. 
But I was 13 have to seem calm, cool and collected in front a camera or else you are portrayed as un-cool. 
Or she was just in shock...I'll go with the latter :)
Love you Em.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Artist in a Writer's World

Let me start this blog by being upfront with everyone...I'm not a writer.
I'm an artist.

So...with that being said, if you see grammatical errors or miss-spellings, forgive me.
I know not what I do.

Now, onto the good stuff.

I've been painting, sketching, drawing, doodling ever since I was little.
A lot of people ask, how do you do that? Honestly, it just comes naturally.
God has blessed me with this gift and I do not take it lightly.

So, my hope with this blog is to just give you a glimpse of my artwork.
From sketch phase up to completion.
Most of my pieces are commission based, since I work full time during the week, so I probably won't update this on a daily basis. 

But, for my clients, friends and family...spread the word.
I love art. 
I love holding that paintbrush in my hand and blending the colors in such a way that it brings a piece to life.

Check out the Gallery Tab to see my past pieces of work.